Booking your holidays for 2018? Want to join us for another great Bass Week regatta? Don’t forget to reserve 4th-12th August 2018, entries will be open from mid April!
The Spy in the Sky
Some great drone footage by caterer Alan
The ONE Bassenthwaite Lake Sailing Week 2017
Did you spend your holiday with us at Bassenthwaite for our annual regatta? Hopefully you returned home safely, caught up on your washing (and sleep), and looking forward to Bass Week 2018!
The Bass team are always striving for continuous improvement and in this respect we would like your feedback on this year’s regatta.
If you have 5 minutes to spare please click on Questionnaire 2017 and let us know what was good about this year and where we can improve. For every 25th completed survey, the lucky individual will receive a £25 discount voucher off next years entry.
Congratulations to Jonathan Bullen on winning the first £25 voucher! The second voucher goes to Fiona Spence, and the third to Nick West. Who will be next?
Sunday 13th August
The end is nigh. The party(ing) almost over. What decorations adorned the flag pole?
Would the wind beat the forecast for a final race? Unfortunately it did not fill in sufficiently to convince the OD it was suitable to get the final race underway, so racing was cancelled.
At the final prize giving of the week, sponsored by The Lakes Distillery, the Commodore thanked the numerous people who had made the event happen under Naomi’s co-ordination.
In addition to the series prizes, there were four special awards

Best Bass F15 Helm – Neil Currie

Best Bass U19 – Ethan Dawson

Special Award for Effort by Junior – Adam Billany

Best Fast Handicap – Steve Hunt & Ruth Critchley
Nigel O’Donnell, from Swarkestone, gave a vote of thanks to the club for all our efforts delivering another extra special event.

If you want to have some keepsake memories of the week, warts and all, go to the photo gallery at
Saturday 12th August
The final weekend is here. Traditionally the prizes have been whisky, for those old enough to consume it, and this year is no exception as our lead sponsor is The Lakes Distillery.
Three races to squeeze in today. The weather started damp after a wet night and the forecast gusty winds were keeping a low profile.
Some of the younger sailors even found time to rehearse for a show for family and friends.
The live band on Friday had proved to be intoxicating in more ways than one, and the rescue crews were having a lie in despite the early 10.30 start which delayed proceedings for a short while.
The winds remained lighter than forecast, and varied in strength occasionally causing a slow final lap for some. By lunchtime the clouds were clearing and the sun finally appeared. Three races were completed with mixed results for some.
The sun continued to shine for the caterers barbecue before the final evening’s entertainment which was headlined by The Exploding Buddhas by special request of Zena Martin to celebrate her wedding anniversary. Some wondered whether the bass guitarist was a cross between James May and Jeremy Clarkson!
Any late evening revellers should hope for clear skies for a chance to see a meteor shower about 11pm as we’re in an excellent location avoiding light pollution.
Friday 11th August
There wasn’t any waiting around for wind today with a good force 3 gusting 5 blowing across the lake. With a bit of rain thrown in for good measure, some sailors opted to watch the racing from the shore.
Not a true southerly so the round the lake option was canned, but there was some good spinnaker legs, and tough beats, to contend with. There were various capsizes to keep the rescue crews busy.
Conditions were similar for the afternoon race grouped into Ladies, Junior and Over 60s for which there was a good turnout.
The 3rd prize giving was held in the clubhouse to avoid rain showers.
Live music by local singer Lottie Winfindale followed by Collision
Thursday 10th August
A misty start to the morning but hopefully there will be a light breeze to blow it away and get some racing in, but with the sun due to shine will we have to wait for a sea breeze to be the saviour today?
The OD was confident that when the wind swung to the west, it would be good for racing, and he was right! Racing was delayed slightly as a result, but got underway in good airs. In the Mirrors, our bar manager Emma Smith, and F15 world champion Graham Vials, were too far OCS for the OD, Emma’s brother in law(!), to ignore and they were both recalled. Graham did recover his position, aided by an errant fast handicap boat’s positioning, pulled through to win from Paul Allen.
The afternoon race was the much sought after RNLI Silver Salver. The varying wind strength came in at a time that suited the Solo’s start, and Commodore Robin Dawson took full advantage, soon taking the lead, and then breaking away into clear airs that he held for the final third of the race, winning by a clear margin.
In the afternoon the children were entertained by Pirate Pete (or something similar!), and there will be a film night to keep those wanting a quiet evening entertained.
Wednesday 9th August
It should have been a windy two race series today, but the wind was slow to build up. With the wind from the NNE it was a little cooler when the sun hid behind the clouds from time to time. Not a day for planing, but there was some good challenging racing. The wind backed more to the north after lunch so the OD set the course down to the southern end of the lake in near perfect conditions (for sailing around the lake!)
After racing was the 2nd prize giving of the week. How time flies!
Cocktail night is the order of the day for those still standing!
Tuesday 8th August
Would the Bass microclimate do its bit to beat the dire forecast today as the day started with a mirror like lake. Although ripples appeared on the water before the scheduled start time, the OD opted to wait for it to be a bit more full bodied before starting racing. The wind did settle down to the forecast NNE(ish) direction but there wasn’t any planing conditions to be had. As ever, there was shifts to challenge everyone, including a 180O shift to throw the cat amongst the pigeons in the Flying 15 fleet in the morning race!
After lunch there was the pursuit race; this time the wind shifted more to the east for a while resulting in the beat turning almost into a fetch. This, of course, aided those boats on that leg at the time, but the beat did return, together with a stronger breeze and a heavy downpour for a short while. Paul Allen was had built up a big lead in the Mirrors, but son Reuben was getting cold after the rain so he opted to forego the chance of winning the pursuit and retired whilst in the lead. There was to be a close finish with Bass’ Paul Bowmer and Dave Lawson in a GP chasing Chris Parker with a newbie crew in a Graduate, but the Graduate held the lead to win the Nairn pursuit.
There should be more wind tomorrow…
Monday 7th August
While some sailors have gone back to work for a rest after a blustery weekend’s sailing, some new sailors will be turning up for the midweek racing, so it will be a leisurely start with just one race in the afternoon.
The spare morning was used to offer some sail training to a group of youngsters, and the conditions were suitably light.
The overnight rain had passed through and cleared leaving blue skies. Would the OD opt to send the fleet around the lake as often happens for the Monday race? With a good wind from the SW, it seemed wrong to waste the chance of some great racing in the bay, so that’s where the course was set. With the RS400s back in the fast handicap fleet, their start was a bit busier to the extent that they had a general recall so it was to the back of the queue they went to calm down.
Graham and Alan in the Flying 15 found sticking to the course challenging, and lost ground retracing their steps when they headed for the wrong mark (again)! Helms, and crews , had to keep their wits about them as fleets crossed on different legs of the course, but they were able to relax with a cooling drink in the sunshine afterwards.
It’s pie night in the galley followed by a magician. Will he be able to conjure up some good winds for Tuesday as the forecast is a bit light…
Sunday 6th August

The forecast isn’t looking good with the threat of rain increasing with gust strength as the day goes on. Better make the most of what we have while it lasts…
The morning stayed dry and bright with another good wind picking up from the SSW which meant that Sale Fell was to have its influence on proceedings. Not only were conditions gusty again, there were some big shifts and down-draughts to contend with resulting in a spinnaker reach from N0S to 8 turned into a beat for some.
The rain moved in over lunch and the wind shifted more to the South so that the OD opted to use the southern end of the lake for racing. Despite having checked the wind down the lake, when the lead boats reached the far end, the wind had shifted, and there were more down-draughts and numerous holes in the wind – just what you need when the rain has settled in!
At the first prize giving of the week, the multitude of prizes were provided by our lead sponsor, The Lakes Distillery. Jo Van Lachterop, one of our newest members to sailing was delighted to win her first sailing prize for coming 2nd overall crewing for her instructor Ant Woodyer in the slow handicap fleet.
Quiz night was as popular as ever with the early evening kids version, followed by one for adults. It was the Bass Cocktail Queens that took the honours, with a half point lead, and a pure coincidence that there were some close links with guest quiz master Jon Denwood, comprising his wife, daughter and sister, together with his start boat team for his forthcoming OD duty!
Saturday 5 August
With many people arriving on Friday and setting up camp, they were able to enjoy a leisurely start today and be ready for the afternoon racing, or so you would think. Rear commodore Mark Somerville and Sailing Sec Joe Roberts were sailing in a RS400 for which an additional start had been created. So starting first with clear winds would be ideal apart from the fact that, as the starting signal was sounded, Mark hiked out, and kept on going, only holding on to his tiller extension, as his toe straps had given way! The tiller extension gave way very quickly after. So after hauling himself back into the boat, he made some running repairs up the beat, and were pleased to note that some of the leading boats had missed out a mark, putting them in the lead! Top that sequence of events if you can.
Despite a brief attempt at raining, the weather was dry and the winds were, well, Bass – great breeze, somewhat blustery, and very shifty. There were a few capsizes, and numerous retirements, but generally great racing. Only two general recalls, to date, by the Solos and the Flying 15s.
A barbeque by the caterers may have seemed optimistic earlier in the day, but the weather stayed dry, and it will be followed by the Commodore’s reception.
Friday 4th August
Our gates are officially open, so you are welcome to come in, join us, and prepare for the 2017 ONE Bassenthwaite Lake Sailing Week.
The Cumbrian summer weather has left a little to be desired recently but you're sure to have a great week with plenty of good company, entertainment, and racing of course!
Jennings Challenge 2017
Luffing Cup 2017
Dubwath Cup 2017
Nairn Pursuit 2017
Nat West Cup 2017
Martini Challenge Trophy 2017
RNLI Pursuit 2017
John Peel Tankard 2017
Ladies Juniors and Seniors 2017
Cutty Sark Challenge 2017
Chandlery Services
This year chandlery services will be split through the week
- Trident will be providing a chandlery service Saturday-Wednesday. Click for more info
- Rope for boats will be providing a fittings and rope service Thursday – Sunday.
Bass17 Galley
Karen, Alan and the Rural Recipes Catering team are looking forward to welcoming you again
Email: [email protected] Text: 07971 870786
• Breakfast is served from 8am
Bacon/Egg/Sausage Baps; Beans on Toast; Toast with Jam/Marmalade
Full English Breakfast; Tea, Coffee
• Lunch
Daily Hot Special Meals
Pasta Dishes
Selection of Hot Snacks incl. Sausage Rolls; Pasties; Pizza Slices;
Jacket Potatoes; Chips
Sandwiches – Fresh selection daily
• Themed Evening Menus:
Served from 5pm to 7.30pm (or earlier if entertainment)
Four Hot Options each evening including Vegetarian
PLEASE Pre-Order on sheets at the galley
Food Intolerances:
Please advise if you have a specific intolerance and we will try to assist.